There were dinosaurs in Noah's Ark

No,  no. Of course there were no dinosaurs in Noah’s Ark, but we’ll get to that.

I find it irritating interesting that Religious Fundamentalists attempt to discredit science and put forth the Bible as absolute fact, as if the Bible were a History book instead of a piece of bull*** literature, which is what it really is.

They even go as far as to make up numbers and events, and depict them as if they were facts to feed the children with,  like this website that could possibly increase your blood pressure and make your brain explode. They actually say that there were some dinosaurs in said ark… somehow. No, I’m not kidding.

I know, right?

Some of the narratives found in the bible are just that, boring narratives, but for far fetched stories, Noah’s Ark and the biblical flood is by far one of the most implausible. Well, putting aside the rising-from-the-death stories, that is. Okay, that’s material for another post.

Let’s analyze these facts:

According to the Bible, “The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.”  The Egyptian cubit, which Genesis’ author Moses would have been familiar with, is just over 20 inches. Using this, the Ark would have measured a little over 500 feet long, 84 feet wide and 50 feet tall.  This is smaller than an average Cruise ship.

Since, according to the Fundamentalists, there are no new species here on Earth since the flood, it would have had to shelter over 10,980 mammals, not including humans or marine mammals such as whales and dolphins, over 16,450 reptiles, over 13,190 amphibians, over 20,000 birds, and over 1,800,000 insects, if he marched them in two by two as told by the Bible. So, the size of the Ark itself when compared to its cargo just doesn’t add up. Do we even need to go through the amount of food needed to feed so many creatures for a 40 day ‘cruise’?  The numbers may vary a little bit depending on the different sources (so these are kinda ballpark figures, as there isn’t a consensus on the number of species), but not as much as to make this story any less absurd.

Since the Bible states that “the Mountains were covered”, it is safe to assume that the water rose at least 5,000 feet. In order to do this in 40 full 24 hour periods, it would have to rain 5.2 feet an hour! That’s over an inch per minute, every minute for every hour for 40 full days. Now this is based on 5,000 feet of flooding, but if we take the Bible absolutely literally, then the water covered all of the mountains, including Everest at 29,029 feet which would be over 30 feet of rain an hour! So, the amount of rain needed to flood the Earth in only 40 days and 40 nights, not even close to possible!

Since with the exception of humans, waterborne mammals and fish, only two of each species survived, the lack of genetic diversity would have spelled the doom for every species on the Ark, yet the world is full of life today. There’s a good reason you are not allowed to procreate with your sibling(s), and it’s not just a moral reason! This applies to almost all species, not just humans.

Marsupials are only found in Australia, Penguins are only found in Antartica, Polar bears are only found in the Artic Circle, all places that Noah never even heard of, so how did he collect these species and then put them back in their respective environments?

The answer is simple — he didn’t. The entire story is pure nonsense. So if you can believe the Biblical Flood actually happened, and there was in fact such a ship, why not throw in a few dinosaurs too, right?

If this one story from the inerrant ‘Word of God’ is false, who is to say which parts are true and which parts are not?

The bible is a work of men, thus it is just as flawed as its authors.

2 thoughts on “There were dinosaurs in Noah's Ark

  1. OMG:) They actually think Dinosaurs lived with humans! They say their scale model of the ark is 16 ft long and that it is 1/30 scale which makes the arc about 500ft. Above the picture of the arc they show a sentence that says the real arc is 27000 times larger than their model = 81 MILES long. Do you know what this means? They are not too bright in science or math. But when god is on your side who cares about mere facts.

  2. Noah’s ark. Isn’t it fun?

    In my opinion, Noah’s ark was dinosaur. Not a ship.

    Ark of Noah is a medium through which data of the gene is transferred.
    Genesis 6:19 You are to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, male and female, to keep them alive with you.

    Evolution of species doesn’t have a linear time till mankind open eyes.
    Genesis 9:13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.

    Pitch / Bitumen / Crude oil / Where could we find them, today? It’s fun, too.
    Genesis 6:14 So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out.

    Today’s annual rhythms begins “From Genesis 9:13”. (This is my assumption.)

    Today’s light speed begins from Genesis 9:13, too.

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